Saat ini, hampir setiap minggu selalu aja ada konser yang berlangsung. Nggak cuma artis K-pop, konser artis lokal dan konser artis western juga pasti ada. Wajib banget kalau mau nonton konser harus tampil keren. Kalau bisa, mix n match outfit yang senada dengan bestie atau sesuai dresscode. Selain itu, make up kita juga harus banget diperhatikan supaya all-out!
Nah, berikut ini ada 5 beauty items yang bisa kamu bawa supaya tetap on point saat konser berlangsung!
Lip product
Lipstick, lip tint, lip cream, atau lip gloss adalah produk wajib yang nggak boleh ketinggalan. Walaupun sudah pakai dari rumah, selalu bawa lip product andalanmu untuk touch up saat konser. Oh iya, untuk yang suka make up natural bisa banget coba pakai warna yang bold dan berani saat nonton konser, sehingga beda dari daily style kalian!
2. Cushion
Re-apply cushion membantu untuk menjaga hidrasi kulit saat konser. Sekarang ini banyak produk cushion yang sudah mengandung SPF, sehingga menjadikan cushion produk yang praktis dan multifungsi. Jangan lupa untuk pilih kemasan cushion yang compact atau travel size sehingga ringan dibawa dalam tas.
3. Face mist
Face mist jadi pilihan praktis untuk menjaga wajah kita kapanpun dan dimanapun, bahkan saat konser. Selain menyegarkan dan melembabkan kulit, face mist juga berguna untuk menyerap minyak berlebih, loh! Jadi, harus banget, nih, bawa face mist di tas kamu!
4. Sunscreen
Beauty item ini cocok banget dipakai saat konser outdoor. Apalagi, saat ini banyak konser yang dimulai dari siang hari. Sangat disarankan buat pakai sunscreen spray atau stick yang praktis!
5. Parfum
Salah satu beauty item yang wajib dibawa ke konser supaya tetap wangi sepanjang acara. Apalagi, sekarang banyak concern kalau venue konser suka bau ketek! Bawa parfum atau body spray yang berukuran kecil atau mini size supaya bisa muat di dalam tas ya!
Kalau nonton konser, kalian pasti nggak pengen pakai tas besar dan bawa barang banyak. Nah, pastikan membawa beauty items dengan ukuran kecil atau travel size ya, Sahabat Lumei! Kalau mau cari kemasan travel size, cari di LUMEI juga ya!
Nowadays, many concerts are held almost every week. Not only K-pop artists, local artist concerts and western artist concerts must also exist. It's a must if you want to watch a concert to look cool. If possible, mix n match outfits that match your bestie or match the dress code. In addition, our make-up must also be really considered so that it is all-out!
Well, here are 5 beauty items that you can bring to stay on point during the concert!
Lip products
Lipstick, lip tint, lip cream, or lip gloss are mandatory products that can't be missed. Even if you're already wearing it from home, always bring your favorite lip product to touch up during the concert. Oh yes, for those who like natural makeup, you can really try using bold and bold colors when watching a concert, so it's different from your daily style!
2. Cushion
Re-applying the cushion helps to maintain skin hydration during the concert. Nowadays, many cushion products already contain SPF, making cushion a practical and multifunctional product. Don't forget to choose compact or travel size cushion packaging so that it is light enough to carry in your bag.
3. Face mist
Face mist is a practical choice to maintain our face anytime and anywhere, even during a concert. In addition to refreshing and moisturizing the skin, face mist is also useful for absorbing excess oil, you know! So, you really have to bring face mist in your bag!
4. Sunscreen
This beauty item is perfect for outdoor concerts. Especially nowadays, many concerts start at noon. It is highly recommended to use a sunscreen spray or stick as those are more practical!
5. Perfume
One of the beauty items that must be brought to the concert to keep smelling good throughout the event. Moreover, there is now a lot of concern that concert venues like the smell of feet! Bring a small or mini size perfume or body spray so that it can fit in your bag!
When watching a concert, you definitely don't want to wear a big bag and carry a lot of stuff. So, make sure to bring small or travel size beauty items, Lumei Friends! If you want to find travel size packaging, look for it at LUMEI too!